5 Things You Should Know Before Buying A Vintage Car

Ford Thunderbird

The pride and price of owning a vintage car are exceptional. But most of the time owners often question or lookout for the most low-maintenance vintage car. They also want to drive it like a modern car but are reluctant to spend too much money on it. If you have surpassed these questions, only then you are ready to own a vintage car.

You may also be misinformed about a few things about owning a classic, but some things can help you identify the misinformation and eventually get the best out of it. In this article, we have broken down the drivability, maintenance, and expense of owning a vintage car, besides clarifying the things that you may have been misinformed about.

Don’t expect a low maintenance vintage car

Similar to how our lives have turned low-maintenance and modern, our experience of being a car owner has also completely changed in the last few years. You may have noticed, your modern car may have driven nearly a hundred miles and all you have to do is a necessary oil change and retro car maintenance.

In contrast, drive a vintage car only a few miles and you would have to rebuild the engine, the fuel system, the front suspension, brake system, and more. However, this is not the case with all vintage cars, especially those whose owners have learned the tips and tricks to maintaining them besides being willing to invest more time and money than modern car owners. All in all, you need to take the factor of depreciation of a vehicle into account. If you’re considering reselling or just trying to wrap your head around the overall costs involved due to the depreciation in certain parts of the vehicle, you would want to be a little more careful in running all the necessary tests before you think about buying or selling a vintage car. 

VW Beetle

There’s more than basic maintenance

No matter how modern your car might be, being a proud owner of a 1955 Studebaker or a Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing, comes under no comparison. You may have been misinformed if you were under the impression that vintage car maintenance requires only oil changes and primary maintenance. In reality, it may mean lashing its valves in regular intervals to keep the engine running smooth, oiling the parts of the fan so it doesn’t seize midway, and fixing leaks now and then. However, all of this depends on the model of the car, the manufacturer, the engine, and other additional gears that the car has. This surely means that you would need to learn more about your car’s exceptional needs, annual mileage, and then will need to invest more money and time than other car owners usually do.

Vintage car

Driving a vintage doesn’t feel like driving a modern

If you own a new vintage car like a Citroën model, you might question if it can be revamped with a new suspension, running gear, or simply every other part! The answer is yes. If you are willing to invest money and time you can revamp every part of a vintage car. You must understand that vintage cars go beyond their looks. They are mostly about their certified history and experience of driving. As you become an expert in driving it, you discover the excitement of owning and driving like an enthusiast driver.

The perks and drawbacks of owning a vintage car


  • Financial expenses: To own a vintage car means to truly understand and appreciate the vehicle. The care and attention it needs come with a much larger initial cost than buying a modern second-hand car. You may face more financial outlay to repair problems in a vintage car.
  • Assurance: Since vintage cars are manufactured with more steel parts than modern cars, they are more prone to rust. It also means they are more prone to wear and tear, but there are always options for revamping it.
  • Absence of mod-cons: If you are expecting your vintage car to have mod-cons, you are mistaken. For example, you’ll be missing out on air conditioning and electric windows since they weren’t really common a couple of years ago.

Red classic car


  • Style and elegance: Even though vintage cars do not come with mod-cons, their style and character are in no comparison with modern cars. They surely turn heads when you drive one.
  • Driving experience: Unlike modern cars, vintage cars have more vibrations, smells, and noises, which makes your driving experience richer and less isolated.
  • Financial bonuses: You may be unaware a 40-year exemption rule has been introduced to vintage cars since 2014. Which entitles all cars built before 1974 (January) to be liable for a zero-rated tax disc.

Note: An additional financial bonus of owning vintage cars is that they do not depreciate like the way modern cars do.

Did you know about MoT changes?

If you are a vintage car enthusiast then you must be informed about the MoT changes. Previously, cars registered before 1960 were exempted from the requirement of an MoT. The new rules state that cars registered before June 18th, 1979, no longer require an MoT. The updated rules are applicable for vintage cars that were registered more than 40 years ago. But, there are some exceptions to this rule. The specific 40-year rule is not applicable for cars that have been substantially changed in the last 30 years.

There are certain additional exceptions to this 40-year rule, applicable for some vintage cars. Up until 2018, cars registered before 1960 were exempted from these rules. However, the substantially changed rules are now applicable for certain vintage cars. For instance, if you own a 1959 XK, with a different engine, you would need an MoT.

Hot Rod

Don’t be misinformed about vintage vehicle insurance

Whether you have an old-school Ford, a priced Bentley, or a coupe, it is natural to protect a favorite vehicle at all costs. Having a vintage insurance policy means you will be ensured for a variety of unfortunate events as well as repairs. For instance, the insurance will generally cover the loss or damage of your vehicle, loss of personal items, emergency repairs, damage to vehicle parts, and more.

Last words

Being a proud owner of a vintage car has a lot of advantages. Being part of a classic car community to owning a beautiful piece of history, vintage car owners understand its worth. However, you must ensure to be well-informed about the things to do to keep it in its best shape for the years to come. This means you must be willing to spend time and money in maintaining your prized possession.

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